ZonBase Pricing. What Are The Different ZonBase Plans?

Looking to get started with ZonBase, but want to know what the different pricing options for it is, before you dive in? In this ZonBase pricing post, we’ll be going over the different pricing for the software.

By the way, you can also get a free trial for the platform, by clicking on any one of the buttons throughout this post, or by heading over to this link here. This way, you won’t have to actually pay anything, and can start testing out the software first.

With that said, let’s dive in.

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What Is ZonBase?

If you’re reading through this post, then you’re most likely already familiar with the platform, but unless you aren’t, let me briefly go over what ZonBase is:

ZonBase is a software as a service (SAAS for short), that helps you sell more of your products on the Amazon.com platform, as well as allowing you to do so more effectively. 

It’s basically a software platform, that includes a whole array of different tools. These tools, allow you to do different things, like:

  • Give you an estimate of the search volumes for different products.
  • Give you an idea of what keywords your competition is ranking for. 
  • Gives you an estimate of the number of sales, the different ranking products are making.
  • Shows you products with high search volume but low competition.
  • Helps you set up optimized listings for the Amazon platform.

And a bunch more stuff…

As you can see, ZonBase is software platform, that specifically helps you save a bunch of money and time when it comes to selling your products on the Amazon.com site, by showing you competition gaps, undiscovered products, by optimizing your listings, finding good keywords and doing the keyword research for you, and much more.

For more information, you can head over to their site, here.

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ZonBase Pricing. What Are The Price Points For It?

Alright, so now that we’ve taken a look at what the ZonBase software is, let’s look at the different ZonBase pricing options.

So currently, there are 3 different ZonBase pricing options available to you, these are:

  • ZonBase Standard
  • ZonBase Legendary
  • ZonBase Enterprise 

These will give you access to all of the tools within the software tool suite (with the exception of the ZonBase chrome extension), not including some of their other ZonBase services, which can be bought separately, and include done-for-you PPC campaigns, Coaching, and some other things.

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Zonbase pricing options. There is a monthly and annual option for either of the plans. For the enterprise option, you’ll have to contact their support.

When it comes to the actual price for the different plans, I’ll be mostly going over the Starter Plan, and the Legendary Plan, and NOT the Enterprise plan.

This is because you’ll actually need to come into contact with the ZonBase team, to be able to get a quote on the price for the plan (which is not something I’ve done). 

The Enterprise plan though, is for those of you who are doing over 100 products on Amazon, so it’s probably a very little subsection of the population, and will not be most of the people reading this post…

but if you happen to be part of that group, you’ll know what to do.

With that said, let’s look at the other two plans:

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ZonBase Standard Plan $47/month ($37/month for yearly plan)

This is the base plan for the ZonBase software, and it’ll allow you to get access to most of their tools, and a limited amount of searches. Thus, it’s a great tool for beginners and starter entrepreneurs, and particularly good also if you’re on a budget and are getting ready to scale.

This plan, does not come with the ZonBase Chrome extension, but it’s good enough to get your feet wet with the software, and test it out to see if it’s something you’re interested in getting, either on a more amped-up version (legendary or enterprise) or at the same level, but for a long period of time.

The ZonBase Standard plan, allows for:

  • ZonResearch: 10 searches/day

  • Keyword Research: 10 searches/day 

  • Reverse ASIN: 10 products/day 

  • ZonTracker: 40 tracked keywords/day

  • Sales Estimator: 40 products/day 

  • Hot Products: 10 searches/day

  • Listify: 10 searches/day 

You can also get the ZonBase Standard plan, at a discount by choosing the yearly option. This will take the price of your plan, down to $37/month, and you’ll be paying $444 upfront for the whole year.

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ZonBase pricing options: Standard plan

ZonBase Legendary Plan $97/month ($67/month for yearly plan)

The ZonBase Legendary Plan, is for those who’re interested in getting the platform for a long-term project, and who are more serious about getting their Amazon seller businesses to scale up.

This plan, allows you to get a virtually unlimited number of searches per day, on each of their tools, and includes their ZonBase Chrome extension, to boot. 

The ZonBase Legendary plan, gives you access to the following number of searches on their tools:

  • ZonResearch: 250 searches/day .

  • Keyword Research: 250 searches/day.

  • Reverse ASIN: 250 products/day.

  • ZonTracker: 1000 tracked keywords/day .

  • Sales Estimator: 1000 products/day.

  • Hot Products: 250 searches/day.

  • Listify: 250 searches/day.

As with the ZonBase Standard plan, you do have the option of getting this plan, on a  yearly subscription, if that is something that you’re interested in doing.

If you’re going to be using the ZonBase tools for a long period of time, I wouldn’t see why you wouldn’t want to choose this option, over the $97/month plan.

The yearly option, does cost you $804 upfront, but you’ll be saving a total of $360, which you can instead spend on getting some PPC campaigns running, getting some one-on-one coaching, or just using it to keep scaling other projects.

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ZonBase pricing options: Legendary plan

ZonBase Free Trial

Lastly, there is also a way fo you to try out the ZonBase platform, without having to pay anything at all, by using their ZonBase Free Trial, here or by clicking on any one of the buttons on this page.

Essentially, you’ll have unlimited searches and unlimited access to all of their tools, unrestricted, for a total of 7 days. You will however need to enter your payment information, to be able to access your trial. This is mostly to guarantee you’ll be able to keep using the software once your trial is over, but you can cancel any time you want, and not get charged.

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Zonbase Pricing: Free trial option

Also, if you want to know more about the different tools that the ZonBase software has to offer you, make sure to check out my complete ZonBase review article, here.

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