How To Get A GroovePages Trial. The Easy Way

All right so you heard about the GroovePages tool. You heard about the features, the fact that you can create complete websites, funnels, pages and everything in between with it…and now you’re interested in learning where to get a GroovePages trial.

Is there even a way to get one…and if so, how?

It’s actually really simple to do, and in this article I’ll be going over exactly what steps you have to take to get the trial version, which buttons to click, how to access your GroovePages account and so on, so that you can start using it and start building your first websites online.

How To Get A GroovePages Trial? Is It Even Possible? 

Obviously, the answer to that question is 100% yes, you can get a GroovePages trial (although it’s technically not a GroovePages trial at all…but we’ll get to that).

To make things clear though, and in case you’re unaware, GroovePages is part of the GrooveFunnels platform, and it’s one of the Premier, and most sought-after tools all the entire software suite.

As such, and for obvious reasons, they can’t give away the whole tool with 100% of the features and functionalities for free…but GrooveFunnels is nonetheless, being super generous with the free plan.

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With the free plan, you’ll have access to a handful of the features, some of the wireframe blocks, some of the designer blocks and a selection of other options to choose from, so you can test out the product, and create super awesome looking websites and pages before buying anything.

You won’t have the chance to do things like import funnels, or use the “page clone” feature that the GroovePages pro account gives you, but you can make up to 3 websites and have them be 100% functional. 

For more info on the differences between the free plan and GroovePages pro, you can check out my GroovePages review here.

A Brief History Of The “GroovePages Trial”.

As we mentioned before, technically it’s not really considered a “trial” it’s more of a “free base account”, and there is a reason for that…

It’s actually better than a trial though, because usually…trials end.

But not in this case.

It’s better because with it, you get an account for life, and you don’t have to worry about canceling subscriptions, calling support or your bank…none of that.

You see, GrooveFunnels was starting to get built in 2020, and just as they were taking off, covid-19 happened.

As a responds to the 19 viral outbreak the team of creators, decided to offer three of the platforms most awesome tools for free, which would be later known as the “Groovefunnels free base account”, of which the GroovePages lite version would emerge (the one you’ll be getting).

Of these three tools, there is:

  • GrooveAffiliates, which will allow you to sign up to promote other people’s high quality and high converting digital products, and will also automatically approve you to promote GrooveFunnels.
  • GrooveSell, which allows you to create your own digital products, checkout pages, upsells, cross-sells, trials etc.
  • And finally, GroovePages Lite, which will give you up to 3 entire websites to build with their powerful javascript technology.

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How To Get A GroovePages Trial.

Alright so with all that said: How do we actually get the GroovePages trial?

To do so you can do the following:

  1.  Create yourself a free GrooveFunnels account here. Enter your name, surname, email and a password.
  2. You’ll then receive an email with your login information from the company. You’ll want to check the email, and click the link inside, which will take you over to your dashboard login.
  3. Once inside of your dashboard, you can start creating your pages with GroovePages lite, by clicking on the GroovePages icon, on the left side of the screen.

You can also click on the button below, or on any part of this page, and start the same process.

GroovePages Trial
GroovePages section, within your GrooveFunnels account

And that’s it! You’re all set!

Oh, And Another Thing…

Very recently, GrooveFunnels has made the free plan even better…You can now also host 3 custom domains with your FREE account!

For FREE! That’s right, free hosting!

You’re now able to host, up to three custom domains on their hosting platform. This means that once you buy your domain name (or if you already have a website domain name) you don’t even have to buy any hosting plan for that website at all.

All you have to do is link your domain to the GrooveFunnels hosting platform, and it’ll take care of everything else for you. 

This is absolutely crazy because it’s basically free hosting, and hosting can get very expensive (particularly if you’re using dedicated hosting, which can go for like +$80/month) 

I don’t think that there is any other company in the world at this moment in time that is doing something of this caliber, and you’re essentially losing money for not having your own websites hosted with GrooveFunnels. 

So, if you’ve not gotten your GrooveFunnels free base plan (which comes with the GroovePages lite account) I would highly recommend it.

Plus…you’ll get GroovePages lite too, which is why you’re here, right? 😁

You can sign up by clicking in the button below.

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